
Şimdi gösteriyor: Ekvator - Posta pulları (1865 - 2022) - 56 pullar.

1972 State Visit of President Lanusse of Argentine Republic

25. Ocak WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 11½ x 12

[State Visit of President Lanusse of Argentine Republic, tip BDT]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1555 BDT 1S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
[Airmail - State Visit of President Lanusse of Argentine Republic, tip BDU] [Airmail - State Visit of President Lanusse of Argentine Republic, tip BDV]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1556 BDU 3S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1557 BDV 5S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1556‑1557 0,81 - 0,54 - USD 
1972 Religious Paintings of 18th-century Quito School

24. Nisan WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 14

[Religious Paintings of 18th-century Quito School, tip BDW] [Religious Paintings of 18th-century Quito School, tip BDX] [Religious Paintings of 18th-century Quito School, tip BDY]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1558 BDW 0.50S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1559 BDX 1.10S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1560 BDY 2.00S 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1558A‑1560A 2,18 - 2,18 - USD 
1558‑1560 1,08 - 1,08 - USD 
[Airmail - Religious Paintings of 18th-century Quito School, tip BDZ] [Airmail - Religious Paintings of 18th-century Quito School, tip BEA]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1561 BDZ 3.00S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1562 BEA 10.00S 1,09 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1561‑1562 2,72 - 2,72 - USD 
1561‑1562 1,36 - 0,81 - USD 
[Airmail - Inter-American Lawyers' Federation Congress, Quito, tip BEB]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1563 BEB 1.30S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1972 Ecuadorian Statues

4. Mayıs WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 14

[Ecuadorian Statues, tip BEC] [Ecuadorian Statues, tip BED] [Ecuadorian Statues, tip BEE]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1564 BEC 0.50S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1565 BED 1.10S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1566 BEE 2.00S 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1564‑1566 3,27 - 2,72 - USD 
1564‑1566 1,08 - 1,08 - USD 
1972 Airmail - Ecuadorian Statues

4. Mayıs WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 14

[Airmail - Ecuadorian Statues, tip BEF] [Airmail - Ecuadorian Statues, tip BEG]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1567 BEF 3.00S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1568 BEG 10.00S 1,09 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1567‑1568 3,27 - 2,72 - USD 
1567‑1568 1,36 - 0,81 - USD 
1972 The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha

24. Mayıs WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 12½

[The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEH] [The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEI] [The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEJ] [The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEK] [The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEL] [The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEM]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1569 BEH 0.30S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1570 BEI 0.40S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1571 BEJ 0.50S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1572 BEK 0.60S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1573 BEL 0.70S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1574 BEM 1S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1569‑1574 1,62 - 1,62 - USD 
1972 Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha

24. Mayıs WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 12½

[Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEN] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEO] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEP] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BEQ] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BER] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BES]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1575 BEN 1.30S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1576 BEO 3S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1577 BEP 4S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1578 BEQ 5S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1579 BER 10S 1,09 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1580 BES 20S 2,18 - 1,09 - USD  Info
1575‑1580 4,62 - 2,71 - USD 
1972 Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes

28. Haziran WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 13½

[Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes, tip BET] [Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes, tip BEU] [Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes, tip BEV] [Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes, tip BEW]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1581 BET 2S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1582 BEU 3S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1583 BEV 5S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1584 BEW 10S 1,09 - 0,82 - USD  Info
1581‑1584 4,36 - 4,36 - USD 
1581‑1584 2,44 - 1,63 - USD 
1972 Airmail - Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes

28. Haziran WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 13½

[Airmail - Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes, tip BEX] [Airmail - Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes, tip BEY] [Airmail - Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes, tip BEZ] [Airmail - Ecuadorian Handicrafts and Costumes, tip BFA]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1585 BEX 2S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1586 BEY 3S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1587 BEZ 5S 0,82 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1588 BFA 10S 1,09 - 0,82 - USD  Info
1585‑1588 4,36 - 4,36 - USD 
1585‑1588 2,72 - 1,63 - USD 
1972 Airmail - Flowers

Temmuz WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 12½

[Airmail - Flowers, tip ]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1589 BFB 4S 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
1590 BFC 6S 1,63 - 1,63 - USD  Info
1591 BFD 10S 2,18 - 2,18 - USD  Info
1589‑1591 6,54 - 6,54 - USD 
1589‑1591 4,63 - 4,63 - USD 
1972 Airmail - Oil Industry

17. Ekim WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 11½

[Airmail - Oil Industry, tip BFE]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1592 BFE 1.30S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1972 Airmail - Civic and Armed Forces Day

18. Kasım WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 12 x 11½

[Airmail - Civic and Armed Forces Day, tip BFF] [Airmail - Civic and Armed Forces Day, tip BFG] [Airmail - Civic and Armed Forces Day, tip BFH] [Airmail - Civic and Armed Forces Day, tip BFI] [Airmail - Civic and Armed Forces Day, tip BFJ] [Airmail - Civic and Armed Forces Day, tip BFK]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1593 BFF 2S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1594 BFG 3S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1595 BFH 4S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1596 BFI 4.50S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1597 BFJ 6.30S 0,82 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1598 BFK 6.90S 0,82 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1593‑1598 2,72 - 1,62 - USD 
1972 The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha

16. Aralık WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 12 x 11½

[The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFL] [The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFM] [The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFN] [The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFO] [The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFP]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1599 BFL 1.20S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1600 BFM 1.80S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1601 BFN 2.30S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1602 BFO 2.50S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1603 BFP 4.75S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1599‑1603 1,89 - 1,35 - USD 
1972 Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha

16. Aralık WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 12 x 11½

[Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFQ] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFR] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFS] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFT] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFU] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFV] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Battle of Pichincha, tip BFW]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1604 BFQ 2.40S 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1605 BFR 4.50S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1606 BFS 5.50S 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1607 BFT 6.30S 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1608 BFU 6.90S 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1609 BFV 7.40S 0,82 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1610 BFW 7.90S 0,82 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1604‑1610 4,07 - 2,97 - USD 







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